PoP's<br><b> War Crimes Against Southern Soldiers & Civilians</b>: April 2010


yankee biological warfare!

And they call Confederates NAZIS'???

In the archives of Louisiana, and in the book "The Conduct of Federal Troops in Louisiana ...", edited by David C. Edmonds, can be found first-hand reports of the Yankee army trying to "poison" innocent men, women, and children. The following is a letter written by one Dr. Sabatier for a report of the Yankee conduct; a report that was requested by the governor of Louisiana. (Pg. 91 - 92).

"... when the small-pox broke out among the Federal troops, then occupying New Iberia, it was impossible in our vicinity to procure the smallest portion of vaccine matter... I used my best exertions to procure some vaccine from the Federal physicians in New Iberia, and through one of my confreres succeeded in getting a few points loaded with vaccine, which I immediately inoculated to my own children."

Dr. Sabatier goes on to say how his children suffered more form the vaccine than from small pox. In fact, he states, "A few days after the operation, one of my poor little baby's arms was horribly swollen and inflamed, and on the second day appeared a pustule which had nothing of the appearance of vaccine..." Unfortunately for Dr. Sabatier many children died including his own. I sent a copy of this report to several doctors at Ochsner hospital in New Orleans, and their report back to me was that this "vaccine" was made to kill. The governor's report goes on to state that over "two thousand perished in six weeks." They died because of a poison passed off as a vaccine.

..... In the summer of 1863 another civilian doctor by the name of George Hill witnessed the Union army occupy what is today called Morgan City, at that time called Brasher. An event took place here, the likes of which would not be seen again until Hitler and the Nazis started their "final solution."

Dr. Hill was reported as being "a distinguished physician and surgeon of Opelousas." But all his years as a doctor did not prepare him for what he saw.

"In the summer of 1863, Berwick's Bay and a portion of the Lafourche country were taken possession of by the Confederate army. I, with many others who had lost property by the raid which the Federal army made between the 20th of April and the 20th of May of this year, visited the Bay for the purpose of recovering our property. I was among the first to cross the bay; and having been informed on the night of my arrival by a gentleman named March that several of my lost Negroes were at the sugar house of Dr. Sanders (Henry Sanders), and that others were there in a dying condition, I [left] in the morning [for the] sugar house of Dr. S. and entered it by a door in the west end.

[Original sentence says: I, in the morning as soon as sugar house of Dr. S. and entered it by a door in the west end.] -ed

"The scene which then and there presented itself can never be effaced from my memory. On the right hand, female corpses in a state of nudity, and also in a far advanced stage of decomposition. Many others were lying all over the floor, many speechless and in a dying condition.

"All appeared to have died of the same disease : bloody flux. The floor was slippery with blood, mucus and feces. The dying, and all those unable to help themselves, were lying with their scanty garments rolled around their heads and breasts - the lower part of the body naked - and every time an involuntary discharge of blood and feces, combined with air, would pass, making a slight noise, clouds of flies, such as I never saw before, would immediately rise and settle down again on all the exposed parts of the dying. In passing through the house a cold chill shook my frame, from which I did not recover for several months, and, indeed, it came near costing my life.

"As I passed from the house I met with a Negro man of my own, who informed me that he had lost his wife and two children. I asked him if his friends - the Yankees - had not furnished him with medicine. He said, 'No, and if they had, I would not have given it to my family as all who took their medicine died in twelve hours from the time of its being given."

This "deposition" ends with the remark that it was shown to Dr. Sanders, who was then a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives. Dr. Sanders knew of the incident and was recorded as saying, "Before the arrival of Dr. Hill, he had caused many decomposed bodies that filled the coolers to be removed and interred... A hundred others would, if necessary, add their testimony to that of these gentlemen."

This event has become known as the Sugar House Incident, or the Sugar House Murders and the house in which it occurred has been located by myself and a few others. Our next step is to have the area scanned by infrared imaging to locate the mass graves that should be in the area.

The Conduct of Federal troops in Louisiana during the invasions of 1863 and 1864: official report compiled from sworn testimony under direction of Governor Henry W. Allen, Shreveport, April 1865; annotated and edited by David C. Edmonds
Publisher: Lafayette, La. : Acadiana Press, 1988.
ISBN: 0937614084 DDC: 973.7 LCC: E470.7
Order HERE Out of print and costly "used 70-80$."

Excerpts from... Black History and the War Between the States: Setting the Record Straight American History in Black & White:
Order HERE

The South was right!
By James Ronald Kennedy, Walter Donald Kennedy
Order HERE


Not Winning the Hearts and Minds of Tarheels:

Had the intent been to save the fraternal Union of the Founders and re-establish friendly ties between the people of the various States, looting, raping and pillaging the South made this quite impossible. Once the federal agent made war upon Americans, it was no longer a glorious Union and malice was directed against helpless old men, women and children.

Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute

Not Winning the Hearts and Minds of Tarheels:

“[T]he “corn-crib” and “fodder-stack” commandoes could look back upon a plentiful harvest between Fayetteville and Goldsboro. Meat and meal had been found in abundance. So skillfully had the “bummers” covered this region that the rooster no longer crowed in the morning because he no longer existed. Had the rooster escaped with his life, there would have been no fence rail for him to stand on.

[Northern General J.D. Morgan said] “I have some men in my command…who have mistaken the name and meaning of the term foragers, and have become under that name highwaymen, with all of their cruelty and ferocity and none of their courage; their victims are usually old men, women and children, and Negroes whom the rob and maltreat without mercy, firing dwelling and outhouses even when filled with grain…These men are a disgrace to the name of soldier and the country…”

Elizabeth Collier, an eighteen year-old girl of Everittsville, entered in her diary:

“On Monday morning, the 20th [March], the first foraging party made their appearance at Everittsville. They asked for flour and seeing we were disposed not to give it, made a rush in the house and took it himself---the cowardly creature even pointed his gun at us – helpless women. Looking out, we soon saw that poor little Everittsville was filled with Yankees and they were plundering the houses….everything outside was destroyed – all provisions taken – fences knocked down – horse, cows, carriages, and buggies stolen, and everything else the witches could lay their hands on – even to the servants clothes.”

(The Civil War in North Carolina, John G. Barrett, UNC Press, 1963, pp. 346-347)
PoP Aaron
The Southern American


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In 1866, Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton reported that according to the Commisary General of Prisoners,
over 26,000 Confederate POWs died in prisons and hospitals.