PoP's<br><b> War Crimes Against Southern Soldiers & Civilians</b>: Not Winning the Hearts and Minds of Tarheels:


Not Winning the Hearts and Minds of Tarheels:

Had the intent been to save the fraternal Union of the Founders and re-establish friendly ties between the people of the various States, looting, raping and pillaging the South made this quite impossible. Once the federal agent made war upon Americans, it was no longer a glorious Union and malice was directed against helpless old men, women and children.

Bernhard Thuersam, Director
Cape Fear Historical Institute

Not Winning the Hearts and Minds of Tarheels:

“[T]he “corn-crib” and “fodder-stack” commandoes could look back upon a plentiful harvest between Fayetteville and Goldsboro. Meat and meal had been found in abundance. So skillfully had the “bummers” covered this region that the rooster no longer crowed in the morning because he no longer existed. Had the rooster escaped with his life, there would have been no fence rail for him to stand on.

[Northern General J.D. Morgan said] “I have some men in my command…who have mistaken the name and meaning of the term foragers, and have become under that name highwaymen, with all of their cruelty and ferocity and none of their courage; their victims are usually old men, women and children, and Negroes whom the rob and maltreat without mercy, firing dwelling and outhouses even when filled with grain…These men are a disgrace to the name of soldier and the country…”

Elizabeth Collier, an eighteen year-old girl of Everittsville, entered in her diary:

“On Monday morning, the 20th [March], the first foraging party made their appearance at Everittsville. They asked for flour and seeing we were disposed not to give it, made a rush in the house and took it himself---the cowardly creature even pointed his gun at us – helpless women. Looking out, we soon saw that poor little Everittsville was filled with Yankees and they were plundering the houses….everything outside was destroyed – all provisions taken – fences knocked down – horse, cows, carriages, and buggies stolen, and everything else the witches could lay their hands on – even to the servants clothes.”

(The Civil War in North Carolina, John G. Barrett, UNC Press, 1963, pp. 346-347)
PoP Aaron
The Southern American


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In 1866, Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton reported that according to the Commisary General of Prisoners,
over 26,000 Confederate POWs died in prisons and hospitals.