PoP's<br><b> War Crimes Against Southern Soldiers & Civilians</b>: April 2013


If I had the power

William P. ("Parson") Brownlow, the radical Governor of Tennessee, who passed these laws, made the following statement at a Convention in New York City, during reconstruction:

"If I had the power I would arm every wolf, panther, catamount and bear in the mountains of America, every crocodile in the swamps of Florida, every negro in the South, every devil in Hell, clothe them in the uniform of the Federal army, and turn them loose on the rebels of the South and exterminate every man, woman and child, south of Mason and Dixon's line. I would like to see negro troops under Ben Butler crowd every rebel into the Gulf of Mexico, and drown them as the devil did the hogs in the Sea of Galilee." He said, at a public meeting in Philadelphia, just after the surrender of General Robert E. Lee: " I am one of those who believe the war ended too soon. We have whipped the South but not enough. The loyal masses constitute an overwhelming majority of the people of this country and they intend to march again on the South and intend that the "second war" shall be no child's play. The "second army" will, as they ought to, make the entire South as God found the earth, without form, and void."

"....'burn and kill! Burn and kill!" until the whole rebel race is exterminated."
......Parson Brownlow, at the post war convention in Philadelphia, 1866.

In 1865, the Methodist Rev. William G. Brownlow of Knoxville became the carpet bagger Governor of Tennessee as head of the minority Radical Unionists. He immediately started a second civil war against returning Confederates. Earlier as editor of Brownlow’s Knoxville Whig, he was pro-southern and pro-slavery. He became a fanatical Unionist and was expelled to the North.

Compatriots, behold some of the roots of the war against our heritage. ~

John Fisher
Dixie's Living Historians



Most of eastern North Carolina lay open to the Union troops from early 1862, and by degrees they stripped the entire region of everything of value that was moveable and whole shiploads of booty were sent north. New Bern-native Edward Stanly was appointed military governor by Lincoln in late May 1862 and sent to occupied Morehead City to govern his subjects, but even he lost hope of restoring the Tarheel State to the Union after watching shiploads of loot heading northward. He resigned his appointment a year later.

Stanly wrote: "Had the war in North Carolina been conducted by soldiers who were Christians and gentlemen, the State would have long ago rebelled against rebellion. But instead of that, what was done? Thousands and thousands of dollars worth of property were conveyed North. Libraries, pianos, carpets, mirrors, family portraits, everything in short, that could be removed, was stolen by men abusing flagitious slave holders and preaching liberty, justice and civilization.

 I was informed that one regiment of abolitionists had conveyed North more than $40,000 worth of property. They literally robbed the cradle and the grave. Family burial vaults were broken open for robbery; and in one instance (the fact was published in a Boston newspaper and admitted to me by an officer of high position in the army) a vault was entered, a metallic coffin removed, and the remains cast out that those of a dead [northern] soldier might be put in the place.” (Hamilton, pp. 94-95)


Defending the Heritage


Prayer for Loved Ones on Confederate Memorial Day/Month

Wouldn't it be wonderful, if on the day of APRIL 26th at the stroke of 12:00 noon, all descendants of Confederates would take one moment to say a silent prayer for our beloved Confederate dead? Many of our ancestors lie, even this day, scattered in mass graves in the North---some, lie quietly under Southern skies in family graveyards in the South—--Some sleep on the land of a champion of States’ Rights at Arlington; some, in Confederate cemeteries throughout the forever and always land of Confederates.

A Prayer for Loved Ones on Confederate Memorial Day
 By, Joan Hough

Joan Hough is a Southern lady from an old Louisiana family now living in Houston, TX. She is the widow of two decorated military husbands.

A Prayer for Loved Ones on Confederate Memorial Day – Commentary by Joan Hough

Wouldn't it be wonderful, if on the day of APRIL 26th at the stroke of 12:00 noon, all descendants of Confederates would take one moment to say a silent prayer for our beloved Confederate dead? Many of our ancestors lie, even this day, scattered in mass graves in the North---some, lie quietly under Southern skies in family graveyards in the South—--Some sleep on the land of a champion of States’ Rights at Arlington; some, in Confederate cemeteries throughout the forever and always land of Confederates.

The years have gone by. All who lived then are dead now –all our Confederates—our soldier boys—all their parents and grandparents, their sisters, their brothers, their wives, their children, their sweethearts-- all our great grandfathers and all our great, great--all dead. All gone, but not forgotten.

Not EVER forgotten! For our Confederates, like the Jewish people in Germany, knew the horror of a lie-powered war waged against them –for our people, our Confederates (including all civilians---mothers and babies, old folks and the young) experienced their own Holocaust -- saw Genocide practiced against them by invaders, spurred on by Lincoln’s warmongering belligerence.2 (A belligerence which became shockingly evident when he refused to meet with Confederate representatives to discuss peace and even with Napoleon III of France for the same purpose,2 and when, after Fort Sumter, Lincoln thanked Gustavus Fox, his naval commander, for helping to manipulate the South Carolinians into firing at Fort Sumter.2

Let us all pray then for the valiant men and women who gave their lives or suffered immensely in the fight for Southern Liberty, be they black Confederates (and there were thousands of those) whites, reds, or browns. Be they Christians or Jews or Indians, or Americans of Mexican origin, etc.--rich or poor or middle-classed.

Let us pray for our many thousands of brave Confederates who suffered life-altering, horrendous wounds in defense of our South when Lincoln's Republicans attacked Southern homes on Southern soil, as his Yankee armies invaded a sovereign Confederate republic.
Let us pray for the many thousands of Southern boys killed by the overpowering, thrice their number, Northern soldiers, egged on by the overpowering lies of the New England controlled Republican party whose avarice for money and control of the central government was cleverly disguised by their lying claims and their concerted propaganda that the war was being fought to free the slaves and to save the union.1 & 2 (Claims unmade until the war was half over and the South was winning it.)
Let us pray for our bitterly attacked, large number of Southerners who were brilliant, highly educated, seriously dedicated Constitutional scholars and well knew the Constitutional right of secession belonged to each and every state in the Union—--a union which, until Lincoln and his radicals, was always referred to in the PLURAL 2 —“The union are” , not “ the union is”—--meaning the states (the people) ARE superior to the union (the Central Government) and have the right to counter the union’s government and have the right to secede. Northern states (particularly the New England ones) had threatened secession long before the Southern ones even considered it --—meaning the PEOPLE are the BOSS of the central government, and not the central government the boss of the people.2

Let us pray for the Southern people--–folks who, just a couple of generations from an earlier secession (the first American Revolution) from the British Empire, heard at their grandfathers’ and great grandfathers’ knees, how Southerners had rebelled against unjust laws and unjust taxation and sought and obtained liberty.

"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..." --Declaration of Independence.

Let us pray for the descendants of those first Revolutionary warriors who, seeing the identical type of enormous taxation loaded on them by the New England dominated Republican party, chose to depart from an association with it, and to refuse to participate in a government which had changed itself from a Constitutional one, in which States’ had rights, to one wherein the central government was ALL POWERFUL--- the States lost their rights, and the Constitution was gutted.

“I love the Union and the Constitution, but I would rather leave the Union with the Constitution than remain in the Union without it." --Jefferson Davis

Let us pray for the young Southern boys killed before reaching the age of 13, because they found it necessary to defend the dirt their father had farmed before marching off to war.
Let us pray for all Southerners--women, babies, old folks who died from exposure and hunger after General Sherman's forces burned entire towns occupied only by civilians—destroying, intentionally, their homes, their stores and churches—and looting all, plundering all, even executing civilians.

Let us pray for all of the Southerners on their little farms who saw their few mules and horses stolen, saw the crops in their fields and gardens totally devastated to satisfy the Yankee desire to starve the women, the children, the old folks, the sick and the wounded and thus injure the morale of the South’s fighting men and, deliberately, depopulate the land of people considered to be "undesirable" by the all powerful empire, the Lincoln-created government of the North.

Let us pray for the Confederate women and children who saw Yankees kill the cows that gave the children their milk, and the hens that laid the eggs, and the pullets and the pigs that filled farm dinner plates.

Let us pray for the Southern women and children and old folks who saw stolen or destroyed the meat hanging in their smoke houses, and the jars of preserved vegetables and fruits needed to keep a family alive in farm lands far from towns—---at a time when there were no grocery stores, no super markets, no restaurants, no Pizza parlors and no hamburger joints.
Let us pray for all the Southerners who experienced Yankee atrocities and war crimes perpetrated by General Philip Sheridan --–an ever so moral Yankee, personally thanked for his deeds by Lincoln.2

Let us pray for the entire South’s people who lost everything --–and whose sad, terror-filled fate, when revealed to Abe Lincoln, caused him to laugh (as reported by General Sherman in Sherman’s memoirs).2

Let us pray for the citizens of Marion County, Missouri who voiced Southern sympathy and were persecuted by Yankee backed officials.2

Let us pray for the folks in Palmyra, Missouri who, having said the least thing a bit pro-south, were thrown in jail by the general of the Yankee that he could have ten Southerners to execute if a Union Informer was not returned from his capture by Confederate military forces. General McNeil chose ten civilian men by lottery from the town’s people, choosing only the best educated, most influential and important men. The execution of these men and the manner of it made it one of the cruelest, most barbaric, massacres imaginable, arousing the horror and disgust of many Northerners as well as of all Southerners who learned of it. This was the second major act of murder in the area—--previously, sixteen surrendered Confederates had been brutally murdered by the Yankees. Torture and threat of torture was employed by the Yankees too many times to be counted. Lincoln, upon learning of McNeil’s atrocities, promoted him. 2

Let us pray for all the citizens in Alexandria, Louisiana, in the very center of Louisiana---- the women, children--the sick and the old, the entire civilian population of the city—-- forced to crawl, run, or hop—--some dragging loved ones behind them as they were forced to seek refuge in the waters of the Mississippi River; small children screaming because they were lost from their mothers----All knowing absolute terror, fleeing from the heat and burning of the fires set at the orders of General Nathaniel Banks because of his overwhelming desire for vengeance after losing the Battle of Mansfield. General Nathaniel Banks, withdrawing from the civilian occupied city, chose to burn it to the ground. He gave no warning. He left the women, kids and old folks with only the clothes on their backs.2 Nobody knows the civilian deaths he caused. (People in Alexandria had not forgotten and told me so when I lived there in 1950.)

Let us pray for the Southerners of Atlanta, Georgia where Abe Lincoln arranged a carpet bombing seige that destroyed 90 percent of their city, evicting thousands upon thousands of civilians from their homes, looting their private property---—waging total war against a defenseless civilian population in a pattern that was continued throughout the Republican Army’s invasion of the South.2

Let us pray and pray again for the civilians in the heartland of Georgia who knew the fury of General William Tecumseh Sherman who declared that there could be no peace in the country UNTIL LARGE PARTS OF THE SOUTHERN POPULATION HAD BEEN EXTERMINATED, and so made a deliberate effort to starve to death Georgia’s civilian population. It was a goal of the Republicans to see all Southerners dead or off the continent. Lincoln expressed the opinion that they should be allowed to leave.2

Let's pray, especially, for the civilians--—the women, the babies, the old folks in Marietta, Roswell and New Manchester Georgia where Sherman, with Lincoln’s approval, had his soldiers pull down and burn the homes, burn all their personal property—--steal all jewelry—--and leave the helpless civilians, starving, with only the clothes on their backs.2
Let us pray then for those long lost, OVER TWO THOUSAND weeping women in the Roswell, Marietta and New Manchester area who, at the orders of General Sherman, were kidnapped and thrown with and without their children on trains and shipped North, their services to be sold for literally pennies making them, in truth, WHITE SLAVES FOR THE YANKEES! Poor, lost little Southern ladies and the defenseless terrorized children-- most of them were never to see their loved ones ever again. The Republican government during Reconstruction made no effort to return these kidnapped Southerners back to their homeland.2

Let us give a special prayer of thanks for the courage of Louisiana’s governor Henry Watkins Allen who collected testimonies from eyewitnesses of the Yankee invasion in Louisiana in an effort to preserve the truth of the North’s fiendish activities for future historians.2 (Truth telling, of course, was suppressed during the Republican-controlled Reconstruction’s ten years and by the central government thereafter and has been begun again only by recent scholars.)

Let us pray for the innocent young man named William Mumford who was hanged on the orders of Yankee General Benjamin Butler because the boy had taken down a Union flag from a flag pole in unoccupied New Orleans.2

Let us pray for all the virtuous Southern ladies in New Orleans who were treated like prostitutes by Yankee soldiers on the direct orders of Yankee General “Beast” Butler who, also, sent to prison without a trial New Orleans women and preachers and priests who refused to welcome the invaders. He closed churches and prohibited church attendance.2
Let us pray for the Confederate children who experienced the horrors deliberately forced on them by Yankee soldiers-- watching enemy soldiers kill and leave lying on the ground every single chicken the family possessed---–watching the deliberate killing of a beloved pony performed in front of a child’s young eyes by the Yankee Killer, so the child would always remember the day the Yankees won the war. 2

Let us pray for the sick, old gentleman confined to his bed in Lafayette, Louisiana, who had all of his worldly possessions stolen from him by Yankee soldiers, even his bed covers and for the ninety year old in Louisiana, who had soldiers take his everything--—including his clothes, and for the Goulas family in St. Mary Parish, who had Yankee soldiers steal all their clothes, their baby’s clothes and their beds-- and for Mrs. Vilmeau in Louisiana who had her wedding ring bitten from her finger and her pierced earrings torn from her ears—--and we should pray for her husband who was shot twice while trying to protect his crying, bleeding wife and for the families in New Iberia who watched Yankees open the burial vaults of the New Iberia dead and scatter the bodies upon the ground and use parts of the tombs for cooking and heating purposes.2

And let us pray for Dr. Brashear of Louisiana and his family. Even dead and buried in his tomb in Morgan City, Louisiana, Dr. Brashear was attacked. His body was tossed out and his metal coffin stolen by the Yankee soldiers.2

Let us pray for the citizens of Opelousas, Louisiana, who saw a Massachusetts Army unit turn the Opelousas Methodist Church into a brothel---and for the Catholics in New Iberia who saw the Yankees dance in the robes of their priest and steal their chalice from the Catholic Church-- and for the citizens of Franklin, LA, who saw the members of Mr. Lincoln’s Republican army tear up the Methodist Church there, and use the pews and other bits of the church as furnishings for a pool parlor.2

Let us pray for the grand children of Mr. Theodore Fay in Franklin, Louisiana who had Yankees steal all their little toys.2

Let us pray for the Southern women and old people who experience agonies, as they watched Yankee soldiers gleefully burn family bibles containing the records of Southern lives since the Revolution—--and for the civilians in Chesterfield, South Carolina who were forced to stand by as General Sherman’s men torched their Courthouse containing all of the records for the county, including marriage bonds and property records--—and burning my own Hough records. (Source: Telephone conversation with clerk in that County Courthouse)
Let us pray for the Southern women who were forced to scavage the woods for plants to eat and acorns to boil for coffee after the food in their homes and in their fields was taken from them.

Let us pray for all of the Southern Blacks who experienced many numbers of hideous Yankee atrocities including the rapes of their women by Yankee soldiers, the killing of young girls who resisted being raped, the abusing and robbing of black adults and even the shooting of some of them for no apparent reason, Yankee imposed starvation, being thrown out of their own homes, having loved ones die because of lack of medical treatment and nourishment, and Yankees, brutally chasing down and forcing black males into their army where they were seen to die by the hundreds.2

Let us pray for the helpless civilian citizens of Meridian, Mississippi where General Sherman had 10,000 of his men use axes and fire to make sure that Meridian no longer existed 2—--leaving the women, children, sick and the old to suffer from starvation and the elements.
Let us pray for the women, children and the old and sick in the Shenandoah Valley where Lt. General U.S. Grant, soon to become a U.S. President, ordered General Hunter to have his men totally wipe out everything there, 2 leaving many thousands of innocents to death by starvation.

Let us pray again and again for our stolen Republic wherein each state possessed rights that made it supreme to a central government---Rights recognized during the Revolution and after the secession from the British Empire—--Rights acknowledged by the writers of the U.S. Constitution.
Let us pray for a long dead President by the name of Abraham Lincoln, whose greed for money and power destroyed a Republic and replaced it with an all powerful Central Government lacking checks and balances--–a government our later Presidents called a 'Democracy.'
Let us pray for Abe Lincoln who decided to go against the rules of all civilized nations and wage a war of horrendous nature against women and children.

Let us pray for all the boys, young and old men who fought in that War of Northern Invasion, Northern Aggression against a sovereign nation by name of the Confederate States of America.

Let us pray for all fighters on both sides of that war--- and especially, for those who died---three times the number killed during all the years of war in Viet Nam.

And let us pray a very special prayer that three modern historians by the names of James Ronald Kennedy,2 Walter Donald Kennedy,2 and Thomas J. DiLorenzo,2 who have dedicated much of their lives to digging up the long hidden truths about the horrors perpetrated by Lincoln and his mighty Republicans against the South. The Kennedy and DiLorenzo books have furnished most of the information covered in this request for prayers. Let us pray that their books will be read by millions of Americans who will be awakened to the monstrous lies long told by our all powerful Central government and to the need for its mighty reformation.
And for Walter Donald Kennedy, let us all add a separate prayer that he will gain the opportunity to expose to the entire nation, the grave injustices done to Confederates and to their descendants and to all Americans who have been deluded by the lies of the U.S. government told since the 1860’s. Let us pray that Walter Donald Kennedy will be given a national platform which will allow him to tell the world exactly what this nation must do in order to regain the Constitutional government created for it by the founding fathers, taken from us during the so-called Civil War and, precisely, what we must do to be able to restore truth to our U.S. government.
And, I, myself, will say a private prayer for my three great grandfathers who said their own prayers as they fought in that war for Southern Independence—--the bloodiest of all wars involving Americans---fought against overwhelming Yankee odds--and for my great uncles who fought and for my many great aunts and my three great grandmothers who dodged the Yankees throughout each Yankee invasion that reached them and for my many cousins involved because they were all true Southerners.

I, especially, will pray for all men and women who were brave enough to share their experiences with their own children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. despite the laws muzzling free speech for ten or more years---prohibiting any negative speech about the Yankees—--laws passed by the Republican controlled government forces ON the Confederacy during that horrendous period of Southern punishment known as Reconstruction.

 1 Thomas J. DiLorenzo. Lincoln Unmasked. Crown Forum of Random House, Inc., New York: 2006.
2 James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy. The South Was Right. Pelican Publishing Company, Inc., Gretna , Louisiana , 1998
Contact Joan Hough at
 Related Links
 Thomas DiLorenzo Archive -
 What is Real States' Rights - video -
 The South Was Right -
 Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe -
 The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War -
 King Lincoln Archive -
 Lincoln Hypocrisy - Steve Scroggins
 Lincoln’s war against Confederate civilians included extensive oppression of U.S. civilians - Norman Black
 More Lincoln Myths Exposed - J.A. Davis
 Confederate History and Heritage Month -
 Confederate History Month series - Calvin E. Johnson, Jr.
 Union Army Code of Conduct - Lewis Regenstein
 A Memorial Day Stroll at Arlington - X-Files
 Confederate Memorial Day in Georgia
Copyright © 2003-2007,
 Georgia Heritage Council | P-6 2363 North Cliff Colony Drive
 Gainesville, GA 30501 | Phone: 770.297.4788

Copyright,  Georgia Heritage Council & Joan Hough
Re-Posted with permission of the author (Joan

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In 1866, Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton reported that according to the Commisary General of Prisoners,
over 26,000 Confederate POWs died in prisons and hospitals.