Soon after starting from Atlanta on General Wheeler's second raid into MiddleTennessee, in1864,I resolved to go into Gallatin, my home and native place, and see my family, from whom I had been absent for more than two years. I knew that Gallatin had been occupied by the Federal forces a long time, and that the commandants of the place ,Payne and then Scarret, had been placed there for their well-known disposition to lord it over a helpless and non combatant population. Many outrageous crimes had been committed by them, and scores of
Confederate soldiers had been brutally murdered for no other reason than that they sought to see their dear ones again. The darkest chapter in our War between the States could be written under this head. I was fully posted then of the hazard of such anundertaking; but I wanted to see my wife and little boy (who was but a few weeks old when I left there),and I fully determined in my own mind to risk it, as I felt convinced that this would be the last opportunity.
From "The History of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry" by Major George B. Guild.
Thanks to:
Bill Hicks,
Tennessee Confederate Flagger
Lt. Robert J. Tipton #2083
Confederate soldiers had been brutally murdered for no other reason than that they sought to see their dear ones again. The darkest chapter in our War between the States could be written under this head. I was fully posted then of the hazard of such anundertaking; but I wanted to see my wife and little boy (who was but a few weeks old when I left there),and I fully determined in my own mind to risk it, as I felt convinced that this would be the last opportunity.
From "The History of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry" by Major George B. Guild.
Thanks to:
Bill Hicks,
Tennessee Confederate Flagger
Lt. Robert J. Tipton #2083